business history
2005-2013 | 247 Productions (Production House) - Founder
2007-2009 | Bragster (Production House) - Content & Creative
2011-2012 | Crankathlon Charity Triathlon (Non-Profit Org) - Founder
2011-2013 | imissionyou (Production House) - Director/Share Holder
2013-2017 | Ipswich Community Radio (Radio Station) - Managing Director
2015-2017 | Platform Radio (News/Blog Site) - Founder
2017-2021 | Ecto Crank (Ghostbusters Influencer Site) - Founder
2017-PRSNT | The Crank Cave (Online Retail) - Founder/Designer/Retailer
2018-2023 | Ecto-Events (Pop Culture Events Company) - Founder/Head
2007-2009 | Bragster (Production House) - Content & Creative
2011-2012 | Crankathlon Charity Triathlon (Non-Profit Org) - Founder
2011-2013 | imissionyou (Production House) - Director/Share Holder
2013-2017 | Ipswich Community Radio (Radio Station) - Managing Director
2015-2017 | Platform Radio (News/Blog Site) - Founder
2017-2021 | Ecto Crank (Ghostbusters Influencer Site) - Founder
2017-PRSNT | The Crank Cave (Online Retail) - Founder/Designer/Retailer
2018-2023 | Ecto-Events (Pop Culture Events Company) - Founder/Head